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Rock Stuff Reviews: Review: Snark SN-1 Tuner

Review: Snark SN-1 Tuner

Snark SN-1 Tuner
The Snark SN-1 is a reasonably-priced chromatic tuner built to tune virtually any stringed instrument. This little all-in-wonder was created using a simple clip-on design and features pitch calibration from 415-466 Hz, the ability to to tune your guitar even while using a capo, as well as a built-in metronome that ranges from 40 to 250 BPM. The SN-1 is compact (perfect for bringing along wherever your instrument takes you), pivots in any direction for optimal ease of use and has a bright LED screen that allows you to tune in the dark. Being that it is a battery-powered clip-on, there are a few advantages here! For example, there is no need for cables. All you have to do is turn it on and start tuning. The really cool thing about this tuner, however, is that it has a built-in piezo pickup that tracks vibrations that resonate through your instrument when you pluck a string. This means that the SN-1 tunes your instrument by vibration instead of sound, so you no longer have to worry about other noises interfering with your tuning sessions (think about how handy this feature will be during a gig!)

After purchasing my own SN-1 to try on my guitar, I found it much easier and faster to tune than it was by ear, and it's also totally accurate. I then decided to try this tuner with my up-right bass. The shocker was that, not only did it work, but it actually tuned my low E string which most tuners are not able to do. This is the first clip-on tuner I've ever used that has actually worked with my low E string on my up-right bass!

I do have one bone to pick with the SN-1: the metronome feature does not emit sound. Instead, it is a blinking light, so you would have to keep your eye on the tuner instead of your instrument, IMO rendering the metronome useless. Hopefully Snark have advanced this feature by now, but until then, the SN-1 will make any string player a really great tuner.